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Peps Persson är ett unikum i svenskt musikliv. Med sina rötter i amerikansk blues har han skapat sin helt egna musikaliska still via influenser från Jamaikansk reggaemusik. Allt med hans helt personliga svenska texter. Denna CD spelades in under 2004 och 2005 och blev det sista album Peps gav ut med sitt Blodsband.

Inspelad hemma i Peps egen studio.

Peps Persson is unique in Swedish music life. With his roots in American blues, he has created his own musical style via influences from Jamaican reggae music. All with his completely personal Swedish lyrics. This CD was recorded during 2004 and 2005 and became the last album Peps released with his Blodsband.

Recorded at home in Pep's own studio.